"That's a pretty weird name."
Before you can mention that 27 is also a WEIRD NAME, the PORTAL ripples again and SOMEONE emerges.
"27. Circe has taken notice. If we are to act, we must begin at once."
Her TONE is completely EMOTIONLESS. She would be quite ATTRACTIVE, considering her REVEALING TUNIC, if it wasn't for the fact that her HAIR seems to be made of PLANTS.
"Hi, Flora. I made some new friends."
Now what...? Just how many of these guys ARE there? And what did he mean by "used to" last time? So many questions, what order to ask them in?
Vote for A Lost Realm, and don't forget to comment! The more starting points you give me, the more I can do.
Take a break from the exposition and reflect on your life so we get to know who you are a little better.