You aren't sure you want to impress the girls. For one, they're INTERNS. For two, the BLOND is too ENERGETIC, the GINGER is MUTE, the WHITE-HAIRED ONE is CREEPY AS HELL, and the PINK-HAIRED ONE...
"HEY ICHI. Why are you taking so long to get anything done? I thought you were supposed to be some kind of genius!"
Gosh darnit, she's SNARKING at you. Even after she asked to come in the first place. Lousy INTERNS.
Anyways, you're too SHORT to reach the ARCHWAY GAP, and you don't have a LADDER. Perhaps you could get an INTERN to lift you up or put it in for you.
But which one?
Vote for A Lost Realm, or you'll make Ichi sadface.
The ginger. She's the only one who doesn't have a defect which will cause something bad to happen.