Friday, September 23, 2011

>While the others are distracted, ask the GINGER if she can REMOVE the RUNESTONE to CLOSE the PORTAL, preventing more freaks from ESCAPING.

You're all for that. You're getting SICK of these WEIRDOES popping up from NOWHERE.

YANA obliges, going over to remove the RUNESTONE.
It doesn't budge. YANA seems a bit depressed by her INABILITY TO HELP.

Vote for A Lost Realm, and don't forget to comment! I haven't been keeping up with updates, and I'm sorry about that.


  1. Inwardly swear at this and try kicking the gate. Not like you have anything to lose.

  2. ...Well, she's over there anyway. Shove the ginger's head in and ask what she sees.

  3. I like kicking the gate but I also think you should get zapped when you does

  4. Being ninja-like quickly steal 27s hat and throw it into the portal before what happened and who did it hoping he will go away!!!

  5. destroy the entire universe because you're mad and MOO like a cow!!!!!:)

  6. while eating cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees

  7. White Haired Intern: Decide that things are getting a little too quiet around here.
